Convenient, and
Cost Effective

Zerigo Health is a smarter, no-cost outpatient solution for your
employees living with chronic autoimmune skin conditions like
psoriasis and eczema without sacrificing quality of care.

The Real Cost
of Chronic Skin


Nearly one in 10 people suffer from a
chronic autoimmune skin condition2


Over $20B annually in eczema
and psoriasis specialty drug spend,
growing more than 20% annually3


88% report their skin condition affects
their emotional well-being4


49% miss work regularly4


$40-60K annual insurance cost for one
member or employee on biologic prescription drug therapy.

Satisfied customer who used Zerigo Health UVB light phototherapy at-home treatment

with Value
and Impact

  • Reduce cost of psoriasis, eczema & chronic autoimmune skin conditions treatment by as much as 4x from the overutilization of expensive specialty drugs like biologics9.
  • Drive employee and member satisfaction by providing an effective, convenient, smart home therapy solution with 360° support.
  • Experience clinical outcomes through the support of ZerigoCare™ Guides, increasing engagement and improving adherence by up to 80%10.
  • Reduce out of pocket medical expenses for employees with chronic skin conditions.
  • Lower per capita healthcare costs per year.
  • Decrease the premiums of employer sponsored health insurance.

How many benefit
eligible individuals are
in your organization?11


Benefit Eligible Individuals


Estimated Eczema and Psoriasis Prevalence


Estimated Current Biologic Drug Cost


Projected 5 Year Biologic Drug Cost

A Smart

The Zerigo Health solution gives your
employees and members everything
they need to take control of their
chronic skin condition so it doesn’t
control them. Now, they’ll be able to
get back to living free – and on
their way to clear.

The Zerigo Smart Light
Therapy Solution includes:
Zerigo Health UVB light phototherapy for psoriasis, eczema, vitiligo | Zerigo Health
Smart Light Device

An FDA-cleared6, personal handheld Narrow Band Ultraviolet-B (NB-UVB) Smart Light Therapy device. Treat anytime, anywhere.

Zerigo App used by person living with psoriasis, eczema, vitiligo | Zerigo Health
Zerigo App

Zerigo Health app to manage NB-UVB prescription dosing and treatment frequency. Helps employees and members stay connected, track results, and receive personalized support.

ZerigoCare Guide in front of computer | Zerigo Health
Expert Support

ZerigoCare™ Guides provide one-to-one support by walking members through first-time use, weekly treatments, monitoring their ongoing progress, adherence, and results. Our care team consists of phototherapy experts in addition to RNs, MAs, and CHWCs.

satisfied customer who used Zerigo Health uvb light phototherapy at-home treatment
Health Strategies

Skin health management strategies personalized to your employees and members and their specific skin condition.

Light Therapy. The Easy Way.

Zerigo Health helps you save time and resources by providing you with
everything you need:

bar graph | Zerigo Health
High Adherence

Our solution results in high levels of adherence enabled by the Zerigo App, remote
monitoring, and personal Care Guide coaching. Adherence is key to help your
employees and members achieve optimal health outcomes.

healthcare cross | Zerigo Health
Clinical Grade Results

Members enjoy the same clinical-grade results as with in-office treatments, without
the inconvenience of recurrent visits and associated costs.

venn diagram | Zerigo Health
All-in-One Solution

With Smart Light Therapy, members have a 360° solution to manage their eczema
or psoriasis through expert coaching and skin health management
strategies—helping to empower, build confidence to improve productivity and
reduce absenteeism.

certificate | Zerigo Health
Employee Satisfaction

90% of members are satisfied with the Zerigo Health Solution7.

hand with dollar sign | Zerigo Health
Cost Reduction

The Zerigo Solution is a fraction of the cost when compared to biologics and other
treatment modalities. Employers only pay for covered members who enroll and who
are actively utilizing the Zerigo Health Solution.

Zerigo Does the Heavy
Lifting for You

Our goal is to make it as easy as possible for you to provide
your employees and members with treatments for their chronic
skin conditions that are proven, convenient, and effective so it’s
easy for them, and for you. Here’s how:

ZerigoCare Guide in front of computer providing support to people living with Psoriasis | Zerigo Health
Claims Data and Eligibility

We can pinpoint employees and members currently utilizing biologics, or who are likely to progress to biologic therapy, as well as screen out those who are not candidates for NB-UVB therapy.

Zerigo App used to treat psoriasis, eczema, vitiligo, chronic skin conditions | Zerigo Health
Multi-Channel Outreach

Zerigo manages employee and member engagement using a variety of focused messaging to get them excited about the offering, and directing them to reach out to Zerigo's expert care team to get started.

Zerigo Health collaborates with telehealth providers
Provider Education

Zerigo engages providers via broad, targeted education and outreach. We also collaborate with telehealth providers to enable your employees from the comfort of home.

Zerigo engages target
employees with
multi-channel outreach

Our members Give Us High Marks

Our members are more than satisfied with Zerigo’s smart light therapy because it’s effective. Zerigo also allows members to take their treatment into their own hands—liberating them from time-consuming trips to the doctor’s office for in-clinic treatment multiple times a week. And since a ZerigoCareTM Guide will always have their back, they feel much more confident on their journey to clearer skin.

of Zerigo members reported being satisfied or more than satisfied8.

of Zerigo members rated their experience as good or great8.

Get In Touch

Learn more about why Zerigo Health is the smarter solution for treating symptoms of autoimmune skin conditions like psoriasis and eczema.

Please complete the form and a member of our team will reach out to you.